Efficiency conduction in irrigation systems of rice companies

Journal: Region - Water Conservancy DOI: 10.32629/rwc.v6i1.1205

Camilo  Bonet Pérez1, Héctor  Moreno Guerra2, Pedro  Guerrero Posada1, Raidel  Vidal González 3, Dania  Rodríguez Correa1, Eduardo  Fernández3, Bárbara  Mola Fines1, Raidel  Vidal González3, Fernando R. Puente Borrero2

1. Agricultural Engineering Research Institute, Camaguey Subsidiary, Cuba
2. Cuba's "Southern Guibaro" Grain Agriculture Industry Company
3. 1.Cuba's "Southern Guibaro" Grain Agriculture Industry Company


The determination of the conduction efficiency in the production units of rice-producing companies is a working tool for technicians and officials involved in the operation of irrigation systems, as it provides greater precision for the implementation of water demands and control of the water used, and accurate information on the technical condition of the canals, which is the basis for the programming of maintenance and repairs. In order to determine the behaviour of the conduction efficiency of a rice irrigation system under production conditions and compare the results with the indicators traditionally used, a study was carried out on the irrigation system supplied by the P-4 canal of the Unidad Básica de Producción Cooperativa (UBPC) Sur de Jíbaro, belonging to the company of the same name in the province of Sancti Spiritus. The hydro-technical works located at the regulation points, which had been previously calibrated, and the section and velocity method in cases where these works were not available, were used to determine the flow rate. The results indicate a general conduction efficiency of the system of 42%, a value that differs considerably from that reflected in the documents governing this activity, with the greatest losses in the tertiary canals in which 57% efficiency was obtained.


efficient water use; hydrometry; water management; hydrometry constructions


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Copyright © 2023 Camilo  Bonet Pérez, Héctor  Moreno Guerra, Pedro  Guerrero Posada, Raidel  Vidal González , Dania  Rodríguez Correa, Eduardo  Fernández, Bárbara  Mola Fines, Raidel  Vidal González, Fernando R. Puente Borrero

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