Demographic pressure on water: a regional analysis for Ecuador

Journal: Region - Water Conservancy DOI: 10.32629/rwc.v5i1.1090

María  Chamba-Ontaneda1, Andrea  Fries1, Priscilla  Massa-Sánchez2

1. Department of Geology, Mining and Civil Engineering (DGMIC), Water Resources Section, Private Technical University of Loja, Ecuador
2. Loja Department of Economics, Private Technical University of Loja, Ecuador


The analysis of demographic pressure on hydrologic resources is fundamental for a sustainable water management. In this work, the Water Demographic Pressure Index (IPDA) was determined for the 55 most populated cantons of Ecuador, combining five variables: distribution of the population, population in arid zones, estimated domestic water consumption, population growth and water stress. The results obtained indicated that the greatest demographic pressure on water resources is concentrated at the Coast, while the lowest pressure occurs in the Amazon region. These results are mainly due to the relative population concentration and the hydrological and climatic conditions, affecting the amount of available water.


water resource; population pressure; water stress; IPDA


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Copyright © 2022 María  Chamba-Ontaneda, Andrea  Fries, Priscilla  Massa-Sánchez

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