An Analysis of Female Images in British and American Literature

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v4i2.809

Lanlan Cai

Quanzhou Normal University


In the long history of world literature, numerous typical female images have emerged in the literary works of various nationalities. The female images and their spirit in these literary works have influenced generations of readers. Different people have different habits, customs, spiritual beliefs, and social order requirements, which affect authors' creations, so in different national culture background, there are often great differences between British and American literature and Chinese literature in shaping women's images. These distinctive female images reflect the mainstream social consciousness, values and moral concepts of the national culture at that time as well as the author's reflection on the social situation. This paper aims at analyzing the female images and social problems in the British and American literature.


English and American literature; literary creation; female characters; image features


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