Brief Analysis of Hierarchy of Human’s Spiritual World

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v2i4.208

Shitong Zhang

Xinjiang Normal University


By studying human’s spiritual world earnestly and comprehensively, you can learn that human’s spiritual world is hierarchical. The spiritual world is an extremely complex dynamic system consisting of 4 interconnected hierarchies. The dynamic system is composed of cognitive system, dynamical system, reflection-controlling system and operating system. Human’s spiritual world determines people’s way of response and action. All the thoughts and behaviors of people are the result of all the subsystems in human spiritual world.


spiritual world; cognitive system; dynamical system; reflection-controlling system; operating system


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[2] Mao Z.D. (1977). Mao Zedong Anthology (the 5th roll). Chinese People’s Publishing House.
[3] Lenin. (1959). Lenin Corpora (the 6th roll). Chinese People’s Publishing House.
[4] Marx. (1982). The Complete works of Marx and Engles (the 1st roll). Chinese People’s Publishing House.

Copyright © 2020 Shitong Zhang

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