The Influence of Defamiliarization on Literary Works — A Case Study of George Orwell's Animal Farm

Journal: Journal of Higher Education Research DOI: 10.32629/jher.v3i3.872

Yueyang Zhang

China University of Geosciences (Beijing), Beijing 100083, China


George Orwell is a master of the application of defamiliarization techniques. His work 1984 is regarded as a model of the application of defamiliarization technique. The author takes his another work, Animal Farm, as an example to explore the realization and effects of defamiliarization on literary works. This article according to the concept of defamiliarization put forward by Viktor Shklovsky, classifies the use of defamiliarization in Animal Farm. Combined with examples from Animal Farm to analyze the effect and influence of using defamiliarization, the essay aims at showing defamiliarization can be applied to the subject, narrative perspective, characters, language and almost every aspect of the work to provide creative aesthetic art for people.


Animal Farm, George Orwell, defamiliarization


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[4] Viktor, Shklovsky. Art as Technique.

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