Exploring the Teaching Status of Primary School Chinese Teachers and Ways to Improve Their Abilities

Journal: Journal of Higher Education Research DOI: 10.32629/jher.v3i2.749

Shuye Chen

Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua 321004, Zhejiang, China


Primary education is the key stage of basic education, and primary school Chinese plays a key role in shaping students' healthy personality and cultivating basic cognitive, communication and understanding abilities. Therefore, in the teaching of primary school Chinese, it is very important to improve the ability of teachers. The comprehensive quality of teachers will directly affect the growth and learning effect of students. In order to lay a solid foundation for students' learning career in the basic stage of talent training, in the new era environment, it is necessary for us to construct and improve the teaching ability of primary school Chinese teachers. An effective path to help curriculum reform. This paper analyzes the problems in the current situation of Chinese education in primary schools, explains the practical significance of improving the teaching ability of Chinese teachers in primary schools, and provides feasible suggestions on how to improve the current situation of teaching and improve the comprehensive quality of teachers.


primary school Chinese, Chinese teacher, teacher ability, teaching status


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