Research on Party History Education and Its Practical Significance in Party Building Work in Higher Vocational Colleges

Journal: Journal of Higher Education Research DOI: 10.32629/jher.v2i5.514

Shuhan Guo

Shenzhen Polytechnic


As far as higher vocational colleges are concerned, strengthening the party history education research work in the party building work of higher vocational colleges can make the ideological and political education work of higher vocational colleges comprehensively innovate and optimize, and truly integrate the party history education The ideological and political education of higher vocational colleges provides theoretical research basis. In view of this, in the entire party building work of higher vocational colleges, it is necessary to always adhere to the idea of morality and cultivating people during the organization and personnel and party building research work, and focus on innovating the educational philosophy of faculty and staff to study party history. It is also necessary to innovate the communication channels of party history education in higher vocational colleges, focusing on building a good party history education environment for teachers in colleges and universities, so as to make the party building work of higher vocational colleges stable and far-reaching.


higher vocational colleges, party building work, party history education, realistic significance, educational methods


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