On the Construction of Higher Vocational Teachers’ Ethnics in Education Poverty Alleviation

Journal: Journal of Higher Education Research DOI: 10.32629/jher.v2i2.300

Pei Zhang

School of Chemical Engineering, Yunnan Open University


2020 is the year of decisive victory in building a well-off society in an all-round way, and decisive battle against poverty. Higher vocational colleges need a team of teachers with good ethics and style, as well as both ability and political integrity. Higher vocational teachers should use their own wisdom and choose scientific teaching methods. They should also warm students with love and influence students with noble teacher ethics, so that every impoverished student can learn something. In the end, this can achieve education poverty alleviation, and higher vocational teachers can contribute their own strength to the country's poverty alleviation.


higher vocational teachers, education poverty alleviation, teachers’ ethics


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