Fetish, Shaman and Root Seeking — Evgeny Antufiev’s Maze

Journal: Arts Studies and Criticism DOI: 10.32629/asc.v3i6.1119

Di Mu, Yi Tang

China Academy of Art, Hangzhou 310002, Zhejiang, China


This essay is mainly about Evgeny Antufiev’s solo exhibition: “Twelve, wood, dolphin, knife, bowl, mask, crystal, marble and bones — fusion. Exploring material”. Analyzing his motivation and final presentation, aiming to grasp the unique national characteristics of Evgeny Antufiev’s artwork, exploring the source of Shamanic elements and how these effect his artwork. This article goes through “Fetish, Shaman, Rooting” three topics. Evgeny Antufiev’s artwork has special charisma, also provides a paradigm for contemporary art create activities. And the most important is to bring more dimensional thinking of artistic activity which intends to against the era.


contemporary art, shamanic, Evgeny Antufiev, fetish


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