Design and construction of automated mechanical ventilation equipment to assist respiratory failure

Journal: Advances in Medicine and Engineering Interdisciplinary Research DOI: 10.32629/ameir.v1i1.1152

Gilberto Carrillo1, Mauricio Gómez2, Jaime Rodas1, Rafael Pimentel1

1. Industrial Design and Manufacturing Innovation Center, Don Bosco University, El Salvador
2. Research and Innovation Institute in Electronics, Don Bosco University, El Salvador


This document presents the requirements met for the design, construction and first validation of a mechanical ventilation system to be used in patients with respiratory failure, which in the initial context was due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The design required the use of computer aided drawing software (Computer Aided Design) CAD and the construction required the use of installed capabilities in mechanical, electropneumatic, electronic, biomedical and automation manufacturing of Don Bosco University (El Salvador) institutes and centers. The adjustment, configuration and programming works were in charge of research professors specialized in these disciplines. The elements used for its construction were available in the Salvadoran market, considering the closure of the borders as a government measure in face of the expansion of the pandemic. After the design, manufacture and commissioning stage, measurements of the conditions of the supplied air were made with the help of professionals dedicated to the maintenance of medical equipment and with the approval of internist doctors. The results achieved are those obtained with paramedical equipment and with first aid equipment, for which it has been foreseen that the equipment can be tested in a subsequent instance with the certified medical union.


mechanical ventilation; assisted respiration; COVID-19, respiratory insufficiency


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Copyright © 2023 Gilberto Carrillo, Mauricio Gómez, Jaime Rodas, Rafael Pimentel

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