Evaluation and Analysis of the Satisfaction Degree of the Intelligent Outpatient Clinic of Tianjin 3A Grade Hospitals Based on the KANO Model

Journal: Advanced Journal of Nursing DOI: 10.32629/ajn.v2i2.419

Fanyu Zhao, Yawen Xiao, Xue Feng, Chang Liu, He Jiang

School of Nursing, Tianjin Medical University


Objective — Based on the Kano model, we investigated the outpatients' satisfactions with the functions of the intelligent outpatient clinic of 3A Grade hospital in Tianjin, to improve the function of the intelligent outpatient clinic. Methods — Based on the Kano model, a questionnaire was designed to investigate the satisfaction and expectation of Tianjin outpatients with the use of intelligent outpatient clinic. A survey was conducted on 384 outpatients to determine the functions of the intelligent outpatient clinic. Results — Among the 14 intelligent outpatient service, 11 (79%) are attractive quality, 3 (21%) are one-dimensional quality, and there are no must-be quality. In the quadrant diagram, there are 3 requirements in the dominant area and 11 requirements in the retention area. There are three high satisfying attributes: convenience of multifunctional payment method, convenience of reservation registration and security of multiple payment methods. There is an unsatisfying function: the information pushed by WeChat platform. Conclusion — The intelligent outpatient clinic function has been satisfied by most patients, but it hasn’t been fully popularized. It is necessary to improve the payment security, the order waiting and other attractive quality, to optimize the medical experience of the intelligent clinic and improve patients' satisfaction.


intelligent outpatient clinic, KANO model, satisfaction


Project of Tianjin Association of Science and Technology (TJSKXJCZX201917)


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Copyright © 2021 Fanyu Zhao, Yawen Xiao, Xue Feng, Chang Liu, He Jiang

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